Sunday, September 30, 2012

A is for Apples

We just completed a really fun unit, All About Apples! This was such a fun topic to teach. The children learned about the parts of an apple, different kinds of apples, apple orchards, and their favorite: Johnny Appleseed!

We made the cutest Johnny Appleseed crafts, they are currently hanging on our class bulletin board. Here are some pictures:

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Farm Day!

 Pictures of students who dressed up for Farm Day!

 We had two calves come to visit. Their names were "Elmo" and "Misty"!

                                                                   Class photo!
 Our class practiced the limbo during an obstacle course!

 Our class split into four groups and made farm crafts. We made chickens, sheep, cows, and pigs!

 We also enjoyed fresh fruit, milk, and orange juice as our farm snack! Thank you to everyone who donated food for this!

Farm day was a success!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Five Senses and Karate

We studied our five senses this week. Here are some pictures of the students "experimenting " with their taste.

A wonderful mom from Mrs. Hall's class came in and taught all of the Kindergarteners Karate. The children really enjoyed this!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Awards, Shaving Cream, and Growing Old

We had our first character award assembly. Haylee, Holden, Madison, and Jaxson earned an award for showing compassion.

I am so proud of my compassionate kiddo's!

We practiced writing our letters using shaving cream! This was such a fun and MESSY activity. The kids LOVED it. 

The children created books to show how they will change as they get older. They drew pictures of themselves at ages 5, 16, 25, 35, and 75. The books are too cute!