Thursday, May 2, 2013

Such Smart Kinders!

 Chic-fil-a Ice Cream Party to celebrate our class winning CGS Night at Chic-fil-a.
 The ice cream was so yummy!!
 This week we have been talking about liquids and solids. We have explored many different textures and discussed their traits. We even made moon sand. It was so cool!! The kids loved how the moon sand was soft and would stick together to make things. The consistency  is like sand and play doh all in one.  

Here is the recipe:
4 cups of flour
1/2 cup of baby oil

Mix together and play!!

The children have been working hard to memorize their addition facts. They have cut out flashcards to play match game!

Our Kindergarten memories bulletin board :(

We played money/coin race. The kiddos were divided into teams. Two children raced each other to bring me a certain amount of change.

New Kindergarten banner

My kindergarteners continue to impress me each day with their smarts!

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