Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Back to School 2014

I can not believe that it is time for school to start back. School is starting in less than one week!  I would like to welcome all of my special Kindergarteners and their parents to my class. I will be out the first week of school on my last week of maternity leave. 

I would love to tell you all a little about myself. This summer, my husband and I were blessed with a little miracle, named Jase Cole Newton.

Meet Jase:)

 Meet my little family:) My husband is a firefighter at AO Fire Department.

I absolutely love DISNEY. My classroom is Mickey/Disney themed.

This has been a life changing summer and the best one I will probably ever experience. Becoming a mommy is the best thing in the world and it has also provided me with a new outlook on teaching. This is my third year teaching and I know that this year is going to be different in many ways. I now know that I will have a class full of "someones special little miracle", just like mine. I have always had a love of children but becoming a mommy has made me realize just how amazing children are. I am obviously blessed in being a mommy (to the cutest baby ever :)) but I believe that I am also blessed in being a teacher and having the privilege of being a part of 18 little children's  lives. I now have a whole new respect for all of the mommies and daddies of my class. I am going to have an extremely hard time leaving my little man on my first day back (I'm teary eyed just thinking about it), and I've only had him for about 12 weeks. I can not imagine sending him off to Kindergarten after 5 years. I want all of you mommies and daddies to know that I am going to take very good care of your little one. I promise to be the teacher that I hope my little man will have in Kindergarten. 

I hope that everyone has a wonderful first week of school and I look forward to meeting you all on September 2! We are going to have a great year!!!

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